Copyright T-Shirt

Ricardo Andere de Mello gandhi at
Tue May 11 16:26:50 UTC 2004

João Miguel Neves wrote:

>A Seg, 2004-05-10 às 17:49, Ricardo Andere de Mello escreveu:
>>I can say what I have talked to stallman once. He said he does not liked 
>>copyright, he just have to use it because it was one way to use the 
>>"system" against itself.
>I heard him tell this twice, so I can vouch for that. But the second
>time he had already found value in copyright. Without copyright we would
>have only contract law. And in an environment under contract law only,
>we'd still have proprietary software.
I still don't like the idea of aproving something just because there are 
worse options...

[]s, gandhi

Ricardo Andere de Mello
Quilombo Digital - Presidente
55 11 3271-7928

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