Copyright T-Shirt

Ricardo Andere de Mello gandhi at
Mon May 10 16:47:23 UTC 2004

Alessandro Rubini wrote:

>>In a free world copyright is not necessary. Think about this.
>"If all people were good" is not interesting utopia. 
>Therefore, the only way I can read your statement is "to achieve
>freedom[1] you don't need copyright".  Unfortunately, this is
>false. Software companies will just go on with contracts that
>resctrict more than what copyright mandates; publishers of other media
>will just join with similar contract.
hum... so you are saying something like "oh, copyright is ok because 
there are worse things..". Did you giveup before starting?

>And copyleft won't be effective any more.

Are you saying free software will not exist without copyleft? Come on... 
you should know by now that free software is more than licenses and laws.

>Not for me, thanks. I prefer copyright -- although I agree that
>current copyright laws are more and more insane.

Our utopias should be lived.

[]s, gandhi

Ricardo Andere de Mello
Quilombo Digital - Presidente
55 11 3271-7928

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