juridical Question on software and GPL

Frank Heckenbach frank at g-n-u.de
Fri Mar 26 23:48:53 UTC 2004

Moritz Sinn wrote:

> yes, that's what the part of gpl that i quoted in my last mailing
> says. and that's why you cannot earn money with programming free software.

As others have explained, paying for programming doesn't have to
mean royalties per copy. Quite a few who make money with programming
free software are probably in this list, so making such a broad
statement in public, telling us that it's impossible to do what we
just do, seems a bit silly ...

> afaik it is not allowed to publish gpl software under a second
> license. i don't know how mysql does that.

There are many cases of GPL-dual-licensing. One of the most
prominent ones is Perl. As I saw your directory on CPAN, I thought
you might have known that ... ;-)

What is true is that a recipient of GPL software can't redistribute
it under another license without special permission.


Frank Heckenbach, frank at g-n-u.de
GnuPG and PGP keys: http://fjf.gnu.de/plan (7977168E)

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