Ownership in Software

Ricardo Andere de Mello gandhi at quilombodigital.org
Wed Apr 21 20:28:02 UTC 2004

On Wednesday 21 April 2004 19:51, Axel Schulz wrote:

> Law and Morality is highly interdependend. To draw a clear-cut line ist
> almost impossible. This makes the whole discussion so "messy".

auctoritas non veritas facit legem.

Here we have something called "MST" (something like "Movement of People 
Without Land"). It's a movement that tries to distribute improdutive lands to 
poor people. They make invasions in lands where nothing is produced with 
hundreds of families and try to stay at it.
Our constitution guarantees two rights, the right to everyone have a land and 
the right to own a land. The conflict is that the previous owner has its 
right to own the land, and the newcomers have the right to have a land 
assured by the constitution.
Juridically, the judges can decide what they want, sometimes they treat these 
families as "organized crime", and sometimes they treat them as poor people 
trying to get something in life.

What I'm trying to say is that if you are studying ethical and moral aspects 
of something, you should not be so attached to laws. I still think 
license/patent/copyright are unethical in the sense they "cut" something that 
should be for all mankind.

[]s, gandhi

Ricardo Andere de Mello
Quilombo Digital - Presidente
gandhi at quilombodigital.org / 55 11 3271-7928

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