Most recent full copy of Directive on patentability of computer implemented inventions

Niall Douglas s_fsfeurope2 at
Fri Aug 15 17:11:42 UTC 2003

On 14 Aug 2003 at 1:42, Ciaran O'Riordan wrote:

> > If there were any chance it could be struck down, I'd be far
> > happier. 
> If it's struck down, we keep the status quo, software patents
> continue to be handed out, and when we fight this again, the
> companies with software patents will fight harder because they
> will stand to lose more.  We must aim to end this now.

I agree. I had been thinking when I wrote it all software patents 
actually though this was out of context.
> Thanks for including the Irish MEPs in you letter sending campaign,
> you're obviously not afraid of occassional hard, laborious work :)

Oh I live in Cork. And besides, fifteen Irish MEP's in nothing 
compared to 89 British MEP's. I sent fifteen letters a day which took 
me over an hour to individually stamp, address and stuff the letter 

I would even have written to all the Spanish MEP's as my spanish is 
passable and I used to live there. But I haven't worked in over a 
year, so couldn't afford the stamps :(


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