Most recent full copy of Directive on patentability of computer implemented inventions

Ciaran O'Riordan ciaran at
Thu Aug 14 00:42:19 UTC 2003

On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 12:54:27AM +0100, Niall Douglas wrote:
> On 13 Aug 2003 at 23:56, Ciaran O'Riordan wrote:
> I've still pointed out that the 
> "process" didn't bother consulting actual real engineers like the 
> droves who have been writing in to complain. This says to me that the 
> process is broken.

Changing the EU process will have to wait for another time :)

> >   No matter how hard it is, we have to find a set of
> > amendments that will make us happy.  We then say to our MEPs
> > "Unless amendments X, Y, and Z are passed, you must vote No".
> > This gives us a chance to get a good law passed, and it gives
> > our MEPs a firm reason to vote No if needs be.
> If there were any chance it could be struck down, I'd be far happier. 

If it's struck down, we keep the status quo, software patents
continue to be handed out, and when we fight this again, the
companies with software patents will fight harder because they
will stand to lose more.  We must aim to end this now.

> But sure, the one amendment changing the patenting from idea to 
> implementation would utterly alter the impact of the law. A nice 
> second amendment[...]

We can only ask our MEPs to vote for amendments that exist.  And
we must tell our MEPs how we want them to vote on every amendment.
This isn't fun work, it hard and laborious, but it's how we can win.

> I fear the real fight will be coming at the three 
> year review stage[...]

This is another battle.  Today, we have to fight the proposed

> Ultimately I think only a large wodge of campaign money will make any 
> difference

The effect of a wodge of money is not something we can think about,
we just have to lobby our MEPs, and do it right.

We can win this.

Thanks for including the Irish MEPs in you letter sending campaign,
you're obviously not afraid of occassional hard, laborious work :)


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