RedHat and software patents

Alessandro Rubini rubini at
Mon May 27 08:45:42 UTC 2002

>         a. you release  your work under the GNU GPL  (if you want to
>            use our patent without paying fees);
>         b. you  pay a  royalty (if you  want to use  another license
>            and/or release a proprietary program)."
> I think  that it could  be quite a  realistic hypothesis ---  and it
> could be  the first  software patent

Never heard of the FSMLabs patent?

>                                        that  could be used  to support
> Free Software :-)

I don't call this "support", sorry. Sure other people praise the
approach, but not everybody does. Note the note below, though.
Quello che scrivo rappresenta solo il mio personale punto di vista,
non rispecchia l'opinione di organizzazioni di cui faccio o ho fatto parte.

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