neat story

Rui Miguel Silva Seabra rms at
Wed Mar 20 12:40:07 UTC 2002

On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 12:04, João Miguel Neves wrote:
> First your boss must understand a few things about nessus:
> - in the security market secrecy usually means incompetence
> (
> - nessus is not a single person or group effort, it's a community one

He knows that.

> If he doesn't accept that, you can always say that the developers  aren't
> loosing money with the software, but actually saving money by making it
> Free Software:
> - Quality control - more people using means more people finding and
> correcting bugs.
> - Development - more vulnerability detection plugins are created and are
> created faster than for proprietary alternatives.
> - Security - the better quality of the program means better security for
> every user.
> - Quality - the better quality achieved means more users that detect and
> correct bugs and create vulnerability detection plugins even faster.

He doesn't think it saves enough to compensate the potential loss.

> The result: the best of breed security auditing software there is.

He knows that it is the best. He knows that in criptography things must
be open for peer inspection. However, he does not apply that on his
software... :) Draw your conclusions...

> If these arguments don't help, you can always ask if he usually refuses
> presents just because he doesn't give anything in return. As a last resort
> you can ask him to go to one of our (both me and Rui are part of ANSOL)
> presentations on Free Software.

That's besides the point. He's not troubled to accept presents. His
trouble could be said of as making money through giving presents.

Hugs, rms

+ No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
+ Whatever you do will be insignificant,
| but it is very important that you do it -- Ghandi
+ So let's do it...?
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