BitKeeper licence critic

MJ Ray markj at
Sat Mar 9 00:16:31 UTC 2002

Simo Sorce <idra at> wrote:
> Please stop all this mail about the techincal merits of Linux, Hurd or
> any other kernel or OS, they are totally off-topic.

How to get started with Free Software such as Hurd is off-topic here?  I
think knowing a little more about the practicalities of this system is
worthwhile, but if directed to stop or take it offlist by one of
discussion-admin, I will.  (Curiously, the list page doesn't introduce the
admins... hrm... I'm guessing Georg, but who else?)

> The discussion about Linux and BitKeeper, has been fully exploited now
> IMO.

Yes, looking at Aegis for a while and reporting back is the next step.  The
subject line should have changed to "Introduction to Hurd" or similar ;-)

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