What do to about BitKeeper and the Linux Kernel (was: BitKeeper licence critic)

MJ Ray markj at cloaked.freeserve.co.uk
Fri Mar 8 13:15:41 UTC 2002

Alexandre Dulaunoy <adulau-conos at perycles.unix.be.EU.org> wrote:
> So we have look around but there is no miracle solution : 
> - aegis seems a really good software but the concept are quite different 
>   from CVS (maybe not so bad idea). Moving from a big CVS in aegis is not 
>   so easy (but I'm maybe wrong)
>   license : GPL

BitKeeper is also not so like CVS.  I'm likely to take the step in trying to
move some of my CVS work into Aegis soon.  A conversion guide is supplied
with it.  If there is interest, I report back on how it goes.

> - arch looks cool and really an innovation but software is quite young

I have heard criticisms of the current arch's designs.  It sounds very Tom
Lord ;-)  I don't know if there will be a version that the computer
scientists can love too.

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