European Commission launches developer survey

Alessandro Rubini rubini at
Fri Mar 1 12:25:29 UTC 2002

>> > ...and, once more, the use of EU money to fund [...]

Actually, as Cardo Daffara outlined in an Italian list, this is not
really EC-sponsored, but a research project approved by the IST
programme.  So it's still EU money, but at least the headline quoted is wrong:

> Source:
> European Commission launches developer survey
> Posted 26 Feb 2002 by grex

Unfrotunately, these misunderstandings have the effect of turning this
stuff into an "official and statistically meaningful research done by
the European Commission". And this will lead to no end of trouble.

No, I'm not participating in the survey.

Quello che scrivo rappresenta solo il mio personale punto di vista,
non rispecchia l'opinione di organizzazioni di cui faccio o ho fatto parte.

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