RMS interview

MJ Ray markj at cloaked.freeserve.co.uk
Wed Jul 3 10:29:12 UTC 2002

Rainer Trusch <rainer.trusch at students.uni-mainz.de> wrote:
> was even necessary to make my point clear. If you don't accept this usage,
> you are on the best way to create some sort off proprierary term, which is
> only 'allowed' to use in the sense of the FSF. Think about if this is
> useful.

IIRC, the term "free software" was created and defined by FSF.  Why do you
want to change it?

> Simplistic black&white schemes aren't helpful and I'm pretty allergic
> against them, espically in a time where they are even misused on a
> global political scale.

Analgously, is it necessary to grade dictators in order to say that they are
dictators?  If you dislike dictatorship, they will all be undesirable.

> Oh, the well known tape is running, but at least you agreed with my
> main argument, because you didn't give an comment against it. To
> remind you, I was talking about control and not about freedom. ;-)

Oh, the well known sarcasm track has kicked in on this other tape.


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