French Socialist Party, free software and software patents

Frederic Couchet fcouchet at
Thu Feb 7 12:47:40 UTC 2002


In the socialist platform for the coming elections (presidency and
parliament), we can read some tips about free software and software
patents : (only in

Some excerpts :

- French Socialist Party will oppose swpat unless proven positive
effect on innovation, and will as to fight the uncontrolled deviations
of the European Patent Office ;

- right to interoperability and the systematic use of open standards
must be transcribed into the law

- passage to Free solutions for office tools and specially made
softwares - without going to systematic obligation, competition between
potential suppliers being today, more than ever, to motor of innovation
in this matter.

- in parallel, developments made by or for administrations should
systematically placed under free license.

- at last, it is determining that the document published and archived by
the State resort more and more to open and perennial standards.

Petition contre les brevets logiciels
Frederic Couchet                     Tel: 06 60 68 89 31 / 01 49 22 67 89
Free Software Foundation Europe      

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