That anti-patent pamphlet I mentioned

Rui Miguel Seabra rms at
Mon Dec 16 17:53:20 UTC 2002

On Mon, 2002-12-16 at 17:22, Arnoud Galactus Engelfriet wrote:
> M E Leypold @ labnet wrote:
> > Arnoud Galactus Engelfriet writes:
> >  > For me, the economic argument is simply "software can be used
> >  > to imitate hardware, so if software is unpatentable I can get
> >  > around patents by simply using software instead". This is
> > 
> > Exactly. That is, as it should be. The original intention with patents
> > (a privilege temporarily granted to an inventor), was to protect
> > _methods_, not _results_ or effects. 
> Methods and products, I hope you mean. The basic idea is to
> give the patent holder a temporary monopoly so he can sell
> his invention for a nice profit. That's the encouragement:
> tell us your invention and make lots of money!

Not counting that gaining money with patents is a lot like winning the
lottery, I'd like to know what makes you thing you have the right to
*make*lots*of*money* (ATTN: not try to make but make) with something you
did, and that it should be "protected" with a monopoly?

+ No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
+ Whatever you do will be insignificant,
| but it is very important that you do it -- Gandhi
+ So let's do it...?
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