Creation of a mailing-list to send news of FSF France

Olivier Berger oberger at
Mon May 28 20:58:20 UTC 2001

The news feed of FSF France which can be found on the web at are sent by mail on a
daily basis to the list fsfe-newsfr-en at 

This gives a way for people interested in the Free Software movement to
keep informed of FSF France's activities.

To subscribe to the list, send a mail to fsfe-newsfr-en-request at
with the subject "subscribe", or use the web interface at

Note: This list is still in experimental state (testing RSS news channel
extraction to
forward on this list), but you may already subscribe to it.

A similar list was created for the french feed : replace fsfe-newsfr-en
by fsfe-newsfr-fr.

Best regards,
Olivier BERGER - Secrétaire de l'association APRIL 
APRIL ( - Vive python (
PĂ©tition contre les brevets logiciels :

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