
Anja Gerwinski anja at 44615166.theo-phys.uni-essen.de
Mon May 21 01:09:49 UTC 2001

Hi Simo and all!

Simo Sorce wrote on May 17, 2001 at 09:17PM +0200:
> May they be available in time for LinuxExpo at Milan in June (6-7)?

I'll do my best to get the vector version finished as soon as
possible; if things go well, it will be ready within a week. I don't
know how much time it takes to print the t-shirts, though; hopefully
others can answer this.

Best wishes,


   _    Dipl.-Phys. Anja Gerwinski   *  Universitaet Essen  *  Germany
  0v0   Essener Linux User Group:                  http://www.elug.de/
 /   \  GnuPG key:  0B8C 25A9 5A1B 8AA5 0235  E1E6 AD73 DC74 3504 B31F
 W^ ^W  http://home.pages.de/~anja.gerwinski/ag.elg-dsa.public-key.asc

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