Logo and FSFE chapter france

David Mentre David.Mentre at inria.fr
Wed May 9 11:53:29 UTC 2001

Marc SCHAEFER <schaefer at alphanet.ch> writes:

> We need an active FSFE, where the content and the activities are much
> better than any logo :)

I totally agree. A logo is not that much important. Many things need to
be done. 

BTW, a short question: what requirement will be needed to be part of
FSFE, chapter france? (a small fee and/or having done some free software
and/or evangelization?)

While not having time to write software, I'm doing some presentations
to explain free software and I would like to answer questions about
FSFE and more specifically chapter france.

Best regards,
 David.Mentre at inria.fr -- http://www.irisa.fr/prive/dmentre/
 Opinions expressed here are only mine.

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