Off-topic on EU vs. Europe

Thomas Bohn thomas.bohn at
Thu Mar 22 11:06:58 UTC 2001

* On 21 Mar 2001, Ole Aamot wrote:

> I have absolutely no opinion on what the logo for the new FSF Europe
> organisation should be, but I will recommend the lecture "We are not
> against Europe.  We are against Norwegian membership in the European
> Union" by Professor Emeritus Kristen Nygaard.

The most people who are against the EU are nationalists, in Norway too?

> Nygaard was the leader of the Norwegian People's Movement "Nei til EU"
> (No to EU) in 1994 and one of the two original designers of the Simula
> language [*] in the 1960s.

Norway will be member of the EU, someday. The TV network "Euronews" says
about Switzerland, some years ago: "Switzerland needs Europe [EU], but
Europe doesn't need Switzerland."


P.S. I'm _not_ proud to be German or European.

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