Logo again.

josX joshb at xs4all.nl
Tue Mar 20 08:08:42 UTC 2001

>> >> The best symbol for Europe *is* the ring of 12 stars, which is
>> >> used in the flag adopted by both the European Union and the
>> >> Council of Europe, of which all 41 European states are a member.
>> >
>> > No it isn't.
>> What "isn't"?
>The flag it not the best symbol for Europe.

I thought we had this discussion already, and there will be
no end to it so it seems ...

It would probably be more productive for the people who want something
with stars to present logos with stars, and for the one's 'oposing' to present
other logos (using other symbols to represent Europe perhaps). 
The people making the decision will have more options, we have more

With stars:
	(house between stars (8 for a change))

            *     *                         
        *     /^\     *                     
             | o |                            
        *   _|#__|_   *                     
            *     *                         

Without stars:
        (dolfin smoking something a little stronger than usual)
|                    ssSs           |
|            _.    sSs              |
|          /oOOO\__s                |
|         (oOOOo/                   |
|mmmMmM //(oOOo/\ mmmMMMmMMMmmMMM   |
|      mm 0ooo) M\M MMM             |
|        )OO))                      |
|    (,o))''                        |
|     ((                            |
|       (                           |

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