hypothetical(?) GPL problem

Marc Eberhard m.a.eberhard at aston.ac.uk
Thu Jun 21 06:59:09 UTC 2001

Hi Frank!

On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 06:29:11AM +0200, Frank Heckenbach wrote:
> Marc Eberhard wrote:
> > Yes, I got that point. But it seems to me, that libraries should be free to
> > use in the same way as free software. That does include using these programs
> > in a commercial environment and linking the library to a commercial program.
> GPL allows this (as long as the commercial program is free).

Yes, sorry for using commercial program as a synonym for closed source,
which would have been, what I had in mind. There are really too many closed
source commercial programs out there and too few free ones... but you're
absolutely right, I should not mix these terms.

> > We are talking about freedom, aren't we?
> Yes, so please don't confuse free with non-commercial.

That wasn't my point at all. I was purely thinking of closed source
software, my mistake. Sorry.


email: marc at greenie.net
email: m.a.eberhard at aston.ac.uk, web: http://www.aston.ac.uk/~eberhama/

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