Free Software Magazine

Hong Feng fred at
Mon Dec 10 20:56:39 UTC 2001

   > 	I'm pretty sure there is no obstacle for FSF Europe to distribute
   > paper copies of this magazine. [...]
   > 	As of now, one could coordinate with non profit Free Software
   > organizations in Italy (ASSOLI) [...]

   In Italy we can't distributed printed stuff so easily. The publisher
   (or importer) must deliver 4 copies to the police before being allowed
   to distirbute. And magazines (those published once every
   month/whatever) must have additional authorizations. [1]

well, if it is a state law to do so, then we have no other choice
(it looks worse in Italy than in China --- in China, you could distribute
any copies to anybody, police station never acts under this censorship...)

   Free press? Never heard of that in this part of the world.

I am glad to know you say so (actually I am proud of this)!  Why 
not unite all of our community and try it now with Free Software Magazine?

Best wishes,

Hong Feng
Publisher, Free Software Magazine
President & CEO, RON's Datacom Co., Ltd.
fred at   hongfeng at

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