Hi Sam,

You'll notice that the formerly square tile in which the hazard sign sits is now skewed into rectangle, with longer horizontal sides than it's vertical ones.

Furthermore, both the hazard sign and the 'warning!' text are no longer horizontally centred on their respective surfaces.

I suspect that the design would look cleaner if you were to make these changes.

Kind regards,

On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 12:13 PM, Sam Tuke <samtuke@fsfe.org> wrote:
Attached are versions of the "Freedom Not Included" stickers ready for printing
(PDF and Scribus). They are slightly wider due to +3mm bleed zone on all sized
used by printers.

Any final comments before I send these to be printed? We should try and do this
ASAP so we have them delivered in time to distribute them to partner
organisations of the campaign.



Sam Tuke
Campaign Manager
Free Software Foundation Europe
IM : samtuke@jabber.fsfe.org
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