Hi Marcus! Nice to "see" you again. Welcome to the list.


Marcus Rejås wrote:
Hello Everybody!

I'm thankful for having been invited to join you.

I'm starting with a presentation of myself. I realize now when I read
this that i maybe is too personal, I don't know how well you know each
others but I was told there weren't so mäny on the list. You don't need
to read it if you aren't interested.

My name is Marcus Rejås. I'm a 32 year old computer engineer living in
Norrtälje, a small city about 70km north of Stockholm.

I've been using Free Software since 1996 and got quite involved in the
movement in 1998 when I was elected coordinator of the Swedish part of
the Linux Documentation Project (TLDP). This assignment was of great
importance to me and led to an appearance in Swedish TV were I was
titled "Linuxentusiast" (sorry, there was no GNU, in my title) and told
the reporter how great it was. Even though the TV-appearance was cool,
the best thing with my involvement in the free software movement is that
I since then and till today have not applied for one single job.  Early
2000 I got as much as about two job-offers a month. 

It also was a lot of job and it was probably that that made my fiancee
at the time leave me (at least that is what I like to think).

Currently I'm making my living as a Free Software consultant in my own
company[1]. I'm not getting rich but I manage to get food on the table.
I have a family consisting of my fiancee, Jenny and our son Albin. In my
spare time (if there was one) I would like to ride my motorcykle and go
sailing during the summer.

I'm also involved in some projects where the ones taking most of my time
is that I'm elected chairman of the Swedish Linux association[2], which
is a non-profit organization that should promote Free and OpenSource
Software in Sweden. Currently we have about 2750 members. The name of
the organization is misleading but a name-change have been voted down. 

I'm also runnging a projekt called Fritis.se[3], where we produces
material for free software in the schools. We do not produce software in
Fritis.se because there are other projects doing that, but we tries to
make way for this software in the schools by supplying the things around

I'm trying to keep two blogs updated. One in Swedish[4] and one in
english[5] but the intensity of posts vary a lot. 

I probably missed a lot, but you are all free to ask.

Best regards,


[1] http://www.rejas.se
[2] http://se.linux.org (Currently being converted from Plone to Drupal)
[3] http://www.fritis.se
[4] http://blog.rejas.se
[5] http://www.fsfe.org/en/fellows/rejas/blog


_______________________________________________ Sweden mailing list Sweden@fsfeurope.org https://mail.fsfeurope.org/mailman/listinfo/sweden


Mathias Klang
Informatics, IT-University, University of Goteborg, Box 620, 405 30 Goteborg, Sweden. Tel:+46-31 773 55 63 (Fax:+46-31 773 47 54) Cell: +46 705 43 22 13. http://www.informatik.gu.se/~klang
Human Rights in the Digital Age - http://digital-rights.net
Creative Commons Sweden - http://creativecommons.se