Thanks Matthias,

Just paid.

Did not go to fscons this year, was in the midst of changing jobs ( now working in Stockholm
instead of Uppsala ) - but I met you there last year, that was when I joined fsfeEurope.

Would like to get in contact with the Swedes in the Stockholm area, did see that Roger did
have a gathering for some months ago.

Best regards, Ingimar

2010/12/2 Matthias Kirschner <>
hi Ingimar,

* Ingimar <> [2010-12-01 08:46:59 +0100]:

> I will pay this week.

Ok, thanks a lot for your support.

> I lack some activity in Sweden and the stockholm region.

Have you been at FSCONS? The Swedish FSFE team has done an amazing job
there. I have also CCed the Swedish team. Would you be interested to do
something around Document Freedom Day <>?

All the best,

Matthias Kirschner - Fellowship Coordinator, German Coordinator
Free Software Foundation Europe (
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