[FSFE PR][EN] A great day for SAMBA, Free Software and Europe [------------------------ [FSFE PR][SV] En stor dag f?r SAMBA, Fri Programvara och Europa ------------------------] "Those who value freedom and competition have received two nice Christmas gifts this week. First, new EU member Poland does not allow the introduction of innovation- and job-killer software patents through the diplomatic back-door. And now the European Court decides that Microsoft should not get another four years to further harm its competition" says Georg Greve, President of the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE). [------------------------ "De som upskattar frihet och konkurrens har f?tt tv? bra julklappar den g?ngna veckan. F?rst, nya EU-medlemmen Polen till?ter inte att innovations- och jobb-d?daren mjukvarupatent sl?pps in genom den diplomatiska k?kv?gen. Vidare har nu EU:s f?rstainstansr?tt beslutat att Microsoft inte skall f? ytterligare fyra ?r att skada sina konkurrenter" s?ger Georg Greve, Free Software Foundation Europes (FSFE) president -----------------------] Bo Versterdorf, President of the European Court, has today rejected Microsoft's appeal to delay execution of the sanctions. Microsoft has been forced by European Commission to publish technical information about the interfaces of their Windows operating system to enable competitors to reach interoperability between their systems and Windows. [------------------------ Bo Vesterdorf, ordf?rande f?r f?rstainstansr?tten, har idag tillbakavisat Microsofts ?verklagan att senarel?gga verkst?llandet av sanktionerna. Microsofts har har av Europeiska Kommisionen blivit tvingade att publicera teknisk information om gr?nssnitt till deras operativsystem Windows f?r att m?jligg?ra f?r konkurrenter att n? interoperabilitet mellan sitt system och Windows. ------------------------] While the software giant claimed that following the tradition of the technical industry to publish formats and standards will do irreparable harm to them judge Bo Vesterdorf agreed with European Commission and FSFE that this was not a convincing thesis. [------------------------ Medan mjukvarugiganten h?vdade att man genom att f?lja den tekniska industrins tradition att publicera format och standarder kommer att orsaka dem icke reparerbara skador h?ller domare Bo Vesterdorf med Europeiska Kommissionen och FSFE om att detta inte var en h?llbar teori. ------------------------] Legal and technical competence brought by the Samba Team and FSFE in the process helped the European Commission to resist to the attack of the most important law firms in Europe. The Free Software community, represented by lawyer Carlo Piana, kept defending european consumers and the interests of European citizens and of all companies that base their business on Free Software. [------------------------ Juridisk och teknisk kompetens fr?n FSFE och Samba-teamet under processen hj?lpte den Europeiska Kommisionen att motst? attacken fr?n en de mest respekterade advokatbyr?erna i Europa. Fri Programvaru-r?relsen, representerade av advokaten Carlo Piana, f?rsvarade europeiska konsumenter och europeiska medborgares intressen och alla de f?retag som bygger sin verksamhet kring Fri Programvara. ------------------------] "Microsoft now will have to explain how they have arbitrarily modified public standards they use in their servers and work hard to re-establish competition in the small server market. On the other end we are sure that it is an opportunity for the market to compete on quality of code and services, respecting interoperability" says Carlo Piana. [------------------------ "Microsoft m?ste nu f?rklara hur de medvetet har modifierat allm?nna standarder som de anv?nder i sina servrar och jobba h?rt p? att ?ter etablera konkurrens i marknaden f?r sm? servrar. ? andra sidan ?r vi s?kra p? att detta ?r ett tillf?lle f?r marknaden att konkurrera med kod-kvalitet och tj?nster och fortfarande respektera interoperabilitet", s?ger Carlo Piana. ------------------------] "This is a great success of an international community that is really able to coordinate and obtain excellent results: technical, legal and political. We have always thought that Microsoft's arguments were poor and we are glad we were able to explain this to the judge so well" says Stefano Maffulli, Italian Chancellor of the FSFE. [------------------------ "Det h?r en en stor framg?ng f?r en internationell r?relse som verkligen kan koordinera och uppn? excellenta resultat: tekniska, juridiska och politiska. Vi har hela tiden tyckt att Microsofts argument varit svaga och vi ?r glada att vi lyckades f?rklara detta f?r domaren p? ett bra s?tt" s?ger Stefano Maffulli, Italiensk ???? f?r FSFE. ------------------------] But this success did in fact cost something: the FSFE, who played an important role in the decision, was only able to put this much resources into these cases due to the ongoing financial support from the Free Software community as well as from several companies. "The more donations we get, the more we will be able to extend our engagement for Europe's freedom from monopolisation", Stefano Maffulli concludes. [------------------------ Men denna framg?ng kostade faktiskt n?got: FSFE, som spelade en viktig roll i detta beslut, klarade av att tills?tta s? mycket resurser till dessa fall tack vare kontinuerligt finansiellt st?d fr?n Fri Programvaru-r?relsen och fr?n ett flertal f?retag. "Ju mer donationer vi f?r, desto mer kommer vi att kunna utvidga v?rt engagemang f?r europas frihet fr?n monopolisering" sammanfattar Stefano Maffulli. ------------------------]