Sorry but I really have to focus. These are the dates I most probably can.


Henrik Sandklef wrote:
Peter was glad for our email and wants us to set a date :)
.... so I'll start up a booking spreadsheet (in ascii).

0 cannot attend
1 can attend
F FOSDEM 2006 :)

n/d | 20 21 22 23 24 | 27 28 01 02 03 | 06 07 08 09 10 | 13 14 15 16 17
hs  | 1  1  1  1  F   0   0  1  1  1    1  1  1  1  1    1  1  1  1  1
jö  |
kj  |
mk  | 0  0  0  0  0   0   0  0  0  0    0  0  0  0  1    1  0  0  0  0
mr  |

On Thu, February 9, 2006 11:54 pm, Henrik Sandklef said:
Email sent to Peter.

I proposed:
	FSF Europe, CC and Fritis

Barnraiser(forge) will pay a visit some other time....


On Mon, 2006-01-30 at 16:28 +0100, Henrik Sandklef wrote:
Quick and dirty agenda for tomorrow's meeting

* Myndigheten för Skolutveckling.

  Set up an interesting agenda for them and find a date.

* Miljöpartiet, Centerpartiet.
  How shall we proceed?

* n3p - status

* Open Source seminar in Stockholm April.

  Shall we be there?

  Shall we contact the arranging company to get into their lists of orgs
to invite.

  Shall we contact Mats Östling and try to become some sort of advisor

* Political contacs

  Is it worth the effort to continue blogging, writing docs for them?

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Mathias Klang
Informatics, IT-University, University of Goteborg, Box 620, 405 30 Goteborg, Sweden. 
Tel:+46-31 773 55 63 (Fax:+46-31 773 47 54) Cell: +46 705 43 22 13.