Dear Sir,

We are pleased to inform you of the III International Free Software Congress for E-Government - Consegi 2010. The event is organized by the Federal Service for Data Processing (Serpro, Ministry of Finance), and by the School for Finance Administration (ESAF).

Since 2008th edition, Consegi has motivated strategic debate over freesoftware policies and IT management for freesoftware government systems interoperability, knowledge sharing and the adoption of norms and patterns for development, always permeated by the notion of citizenship.
These concepts were discussed by more than 6000 participants through representatives from 17 countries.

The Congress is a space for information and experiences exchanged among public administration institutions, the organized civil society and partners from foreign countries with lectures, debates and workshops.

Local: School for Finance Administration (ESAF) in Brasília.

Date: 18th - 20th of August, 2010.


Further information is available on





Ana Cecília de Albuquerque Murphy

Trade Section Embassy of Brazil

Odengatan, 3

11424 Stockholm

tel: +46 8 545 16310

mob: +46 704382207


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