Date: 2005-09-15 Location: Stockholm (Swden) Present: Tom Calthrop (Barnraiser / FSFE Sweden), Henrik Sandklef (FSFE), Robin Harms Oredsson, Daniel ?man Duration: 2 hours Travel: Already in Stockholm because of SIGOSEE[3] seminar Notes: Robin and Daniel are friends of Tom and present because of their interest in FS, Barnraiser, promoting FS in schools. Robin has also helped Tom a lot with fundings for Barnraiser[4] and Forge[5]. This report is written by Tom and Henrik. Forge report * The Forge project is now funded with ~120 000 euros 66% from Allm?na Arvsfonden 33% from Ungdomsstyrelsen * Tom (and friends) will start to deploy AROUNDMe[4] to some schools and youth centres in Stockholm and hopefully in Gothenburg (will need help from Jonas and me). Tom has received many questions from interested schools and youth centres (youth organisations for instance) will be encourgaed to use Beacon (like AROUNDMe but for a single group) to run National membership sites. These sites can sync info with local groups via RSS. * This concept could be deployed on a european or even global level as well. To enable easy login Tom and and Richard have been discussing a GNU Passport[8]. Educational report * Tom is very interested in bringing in education to AROUNDMe. This software can deucate in various topics, of course, including free software. One idea Tom has is making the education in form of comics. Since I am a comic fan (swedish comics) I may one day end up having some knowledge using this kind of material. * I proposed to Tom to have a look at fritis[11]. Fritis is a project to promote info and usage of free software in schools in sweden. * Also we could apply for funding writing educational material. One way may be as proposed in one[12] of my reports. * We talked briefly about the need to have a Free Software CD for use in schools. Perhaps a port of Skoelinux will the best way to go. It seems possible to apply for fundings for this kind of project. * Tom noted edubuntu[14] as a possible distribution. Funding report * Robin and Tom have had contact with a person at Allm?na Arvsfonden. This has lead to funding of the Forge project. Robin asked me if we (FSFE) could come up to Stockholm for a meeting with them. I, of course, said yes. I propose that Jonas and either Mathias Klang (sw team) or I attend the meeting to present FS and FSFE to them. Hopefully this could be a good possibilty for us to find fundings in sweden, since they fund various projects (not only sw) with ~400 000 euros!!!! This can be combined with meetings with Milj?partiet[9] and N3p[10]. For more info[3]. [1] Robin Harms Oredsson [2] Daniel ?man [3] See seperate weekly report hesa week 37 (SVN and email) [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] See seperate email [9] (The Green Party of Sweden) [10] [11] [12] svn: trunk/Team/hesa/reports/person/truve-prasad-2005-09-07.txt [13] / Confused about all the names? Barnraiser - the main project. AROUNDMe - social networking and group collaboration platform. GNU project. Beacon - publishing system. GNU project. Forge - swedish youth project