=============================================================================== Swedish team meeting and some 'secret' notes from the public meeting 2005-05-25 17.00 - 17.30 Viktoriagatan / Gothenburg =============================================================================== 1 FSFE needs more visibility and activity in sweden 1.1 Possible candidates are Tom Calthrop (Barnraiser) Richard Levitte Niels M?ller Mikael Djurfeldt 1.2 Shall we try to find a suitable task for them 2 frimedia.se 2.1 Follow up on last weeks suggested improvements last week 6.1.1 Add infrastructure for small organisations to seperate from major organisations 6.1.2 Suggest Dedikerad to have Dedikerad removed from major organisations 3 Projects related to Free Software / Creative Commons 4 Milj?partiet (Green Party in sweden) 4.1 Contact established with Johan Schiff 4.2 Re-establish contact at July 3 We are asked to help and review their "Information Political Report" X Actions points X.1 Closed action points 2005-05-18:5.2 Add users Closed 2005-05-18:5.3 Add admin rights Closed 2005-05-18:5.4 Add alias Closed 2005-05-18:10.1.1 Call Jonas Schiff Closed 2005-05-18:10.4.1 hesa and klang shall send in Closed X.2 Open action points 2005-05-18:5.5 Add DNS entry 2005-05-18:6.1 Suggested improvements (frimedia) 2005-05-18:7.2 Aid Dedikerad when starting a new distr X.3 New action points Action points and responsible persons: all: hesa: jonas: klang: =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Swedish public meeting: 2005-05-25 17.30 - 18:45 Viktoriagatan / Gothenburg =============================================================================== 1 Creative Commons briefing 1.1 What is the status 2 FSFE Briefing 2.1 3 frimedia.se 3.1 How to proceed? 3.2 Add CC license (non derivs) / (licens?ndringen) 3.3 Verify that we accounts for all representatives from the various organisations. 3.4 Make a press-release 3.5 Fix RSS bugs 4 Coming events where FSFE attends 4.1 Svenska Linuxf?reningen member assembly July 2-3 5 Coming events of interests FSFE 8.1 Guadec / 2005-05-29 - 2005-05-31 http://2005.guadec.org/ 8.2 Europython 2005 / 2005-06-27 - 2005-06-29 http://www.europython.org/ 8.3.1 hesa and klang have sent a suggestion for talk 8.3 Debconf5 / 2005-07-10 - 2005-07-17 Helsinki http://www.debconf.org/debconf5/ 8.4 "Linux / Open Source Forum" / 2005-10-11 - 2005-10-12 8.5 O'Reilly European Open Source Convention 2005 2005-10-17 - 2005-10-20 Amsterdam http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/eurooscon/create/e_sess 8.6 LinuxTag 2005 2005-06-22 - 2005-06-25 Karlsruhe http://www.linuxtag.org/ 6 Actions points 6.1 Closed action points 2005-05-18:2.2 The executive summary shall be published jonas 2005-05-18:3.2 Add CC license (non derivs) jon 2005-05-18:3.3 Verify that we accounts for all ... hesa 2005-05-18:3.5 Fix RSS bugs jon 2005-05-18:1.2 Gather material about CC in ... public .... too hard to keep track here 6.2 Open action points 2005-05-18:3.4 Make a press-release hesa Open Action points and responsible persons: jonas: hesa: jon: public: ===============================================================================