Oh, I've just seen that fsfe/reuse-tools use CC-BY-SA for AUTHORS. 
Good call.

On Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 2:29 PM Monaco, F. J. <monaco@usp.br> wrote:

Perhaps this issue is related to another question [1] posted in this mailing list sometime ago, but I'm afraid I still need advice.

In the process of making a GPLed project REUSE-compliant, I came across the file AUTHORS, that is required by GNU autotools build system.  It's a plain text file listing all the contributors and a few acknowledgement statements. Other documentation files refer to AUTHORS.

Although the author list is not as critical as the copyright and license information, at a first glance, it seems reasonable that AUTHORS is also not intended to be modified.

Any suggestions on how it should be handled?

Similar issues apply for canonical files such as ChangeLog, NEWS etc.

Thank you very much!
PS: I use this project to teach REUSE to my undergraduate students, and that's why I may be nit-picking about details.

 Prof. Dr. Monaco, F. J. 
 Department of Computer Systems, ICMC
 University of Sao Paulo