= Europe needs Free Software to master its digital infrastructure =
[ Read online: https://fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240701-01.es.html ]
The FSFE calls upon the European Commission to use Free Software to
ensure a secure and resilient digital infrastructure. Software freedom
will also benefit the economy, civil society and democracy.
The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) provided last evening its
input to the European Commission's consultation [1] on the white paper
"How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?". As an advocate
for software freedom, the FSFE underscores the crucial role of Free
Software in building secure and resilient digital infrastructure for
Europe while strengthening economy, democracy and civil society alike.
Challenges around digital infrastructure occur at global, regional and
local levels, often revolving around control and access. Collaboration
and openness are playing just as important role as the capability and
skills to swiftly and effectively fix issues. Challenges addressed by
the White paper could be addressed by redirecting IT investments in
software freedom instead of procuring closed source, proprietary
software. This approach not only boosts the European IT landscape and
creates jobs but also saves costs and resources in the medium and long
term by avoiding the need to repeatedly reinvent the the wheel.
“The European digital infrastructure, the European tech market, the IT
skills of Europeans and civil society would greatly benefit if
investments in software adhered to the principle of “Public money?
Public Code!” We need software that fosters the sharing of good ideas
and solutions. Like this we will be able to manage and improve IT
services and digital infrastructure all over Europe. We need software
that guarantees freedom of choice, access, and competition. We need
software that helps public administrations regain full control of their
critical digital infrastructure, allowing them to become and remain
independent from a handful of companies. Therefore, laws and programs
are needed, that publicly financed software developed for public sector
must be made publicly available under a Free Software licence.
Investment in the Free Software ecosystem will pay off quickly while
strengthening Europe infrastructure, economy, democracy and civil
society alike.”, demands Alexander Sander, FSFE’s Senior Policy
The "Public Money? Public Code!" [2] initiative aims to establish Free
Software as the standard for publicly funded software. The "Public
Money? Public Code!" initiative of the Free Software Foundation Europe
is supported by over 200 organizations and administrations.
1: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/1…
2: https://fsfe.org/publiccode.eu
== About the Free Software Foundation Europe ==
Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to
control technology. Software is deeply involved in all aspects of our
lives; and it is important that this technology empowers rather than
restricts us. Free Software gives everybody the rights to use,
understand, adapt and share software. These rights help support other
fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.
The FSFE helps individuals and organisations understand how Free
Software contributes to freedom, transparency and self-determination. We
enhance users' rights by abolishing barriers to Free Software adoption,
encourage people to use and develop Free Software, and provide resources
to enable everyone to further promote Free Software in Europe.