= The Document Foundation and the FSFE strengthen their relationship =
[ Read online: https://fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160817-01.es.html ]
The Free Software Foundation (FSFE) is joining the Advisory Board of The
Document Foundation[1]. At the same time, The Document Foundation is
becoming an associated organisation of the FSFE[2].
The Free Software Foundation Europe's aim is to help people control
technology instead of the other way around. However, this is a goal
which no single organisation can achieve on its own. Associated
organisations are entities that share the FSFE's vision and support the
foundation and Free Software in general by encouraging people to use and
develop Free Software, by helping organisations understand how Free
Software contributes to freedom, transparency and self-determination,
and by removing barriers to Free Software adoption.
With this mutual expression of support, both organisations strengthen
one another in their fight to keep the general public in the
technological driver's seat. While the FSFE embodies the principles of
the community movement working in support of the adoption of Free
Software in companies, public administrations and for private citizens,
the Document Foundation turns principles and ethics into actual
products, putting a first class, fully-featured, and completely free
productivity suite in the hands of users.
"We are happy to welcome the Free Software Foundation Europe as a member
of our Advisory Board. Together, we will able to further develop the
adoption of Free Software in Europe, amongst public administrations and
enterprises", said Eike Rathke, a Director of The Document Foundation[3]
and a long time Free Software advocate and hacker.
"We believe it is important to join forces with all the organisations
active in Free Software around Europe," said Matthias Kirschner[4],
President of the Free Software Foundation Europe, "and work together to
reach our common goals. With our associated organisations we want to
show that we are a strong and cohesive movement, and we work to achieve
common objectives. To do this, we exchange ideas, coordinate efforts,
motivate each other, and find opportunities to work together on specific
projects. This is the case with The Document Foundation, steward of one
of the most successful Free Software projects: LibreOffice".
Free Software Foundation Europe <https://fsfe.org>
FSFE News <https://fsfe.org/news/news.en.rss>
Upcoming FSFE Events <https://fsfe.org/events/events.en.rss>
Fellowship Blog Aggregation <https://planet.fsfe.org/en/rss20.xml>
Free Software Discussions <https://fsfe.org/contact/community.en.html>
1. https://www.documentfoundation.org/governance/advisory-board/
2. https://fsfe.org/associates/associates.es.html
3. https://www.documentfoundation.org/governance/board/
4. https://fsfe.org/about/kirschner/kirschner.es.html
== About the Free Software Foundation Europe ==
The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) is a non-profit
non-governmental organisation active in many European countries and
involved in many global activities. Access to software determines
participation in a digital society. To secure equal participation in
the information age, as well as freedom of competition, the Free
Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) pursues and is dedicated to the
furthering of Free Software, defined by the freedoms to use, study,
modify and copy. Founded in 2001, creating awareness for these issues,
securing Free Software politically and legally, and giving people
Freedom by supporting development of Free Software are central issues
of the FSFE.
= Free Software Foundation Europe Summit 2016 – No es una conferencia técnica =
[ Read online: https://fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160804-01.es.html ]
Defensores del Software Libre de toda Europa se reunirán en Berlin del 2
al 4 de septiembre en el FSFE summit 2016. Además de trabajar
promoviendo la adopción del Software Libre en Europa, también
celebraremos el 15 aniversario de la FSFE.
Una de las principales misiones de la comunidad de Software Libre en
general, y de la FSFE en particular, es volver a situar a los usuarios
en el asiento del conductor permitiendo que la gente controle la
tecnología y no al revés.
Por lo tanto, aunque esta conferencia contiene la palabra "software" en
su nombre, no es una conferencia técnica 1[1] al uso. Es más una
conferencia sobre cómo vamos a configurar el mundo tecnológico, de
hecho, cómo vamos a probar y determinar las vidas de los usuarios de
ordenadores, teléfonos inteligentes e internet en todas partes.
Puede parecer un objetivo elevado, pero durante sus 15 años de
existencia, la FSFE ha sido fundamental para el exitoso caso
antimonopolio contra una gran compañía de software[2] que intentó
dominar el mercado del ordenador personal; hemos conseguido evitar que
el software sea patentable en Europa[3], esquivando un verdadero
apocalipsis para las pequeñas y medianas empresas tecnológicas; y hemos
trabajado junto a gpl-violations.org para hacer cumplir en los juzgados
alemanes las licencias libres[4], sentando un precedente revolucionario
en toda la UE.
No sería una exageración decir que la FSFE ha transformado los
fundamentos de la TI y que hemos tenido un impacto profundo y positivo
en todo el que se ha sentado frente a un ordenador, ha usado un teléfono
o jugado en una tablet en la última decada.
Cada año crece el número de miembros de nuestra comunidad, así como
nuestra influencia. Ya no llegamos solamente a desarrolladores, sino
también a académicos, aficionados, abogados, artistas, publicistas,
empresarios y periodistas.
Así que, si te has perdido nuestros eventos anteriores, nos gustaría
invitarte a asistir al FSFE summit 2016[5]. Estamos deseando darte la
bienvenida y quedamos a tu disposición para ayudarte a organizar tu
visita a nuestro evento.
Como parte de nuestra campaña de interés pre-evento, estamos movilizando
a nuestra comunidad en tu área. Si te gustaría conversar con la gente
que lleva los equipos nacionales o locales en tu pais, comunidad o
ciudad y ver cómo han tenido un impacto significativo, contáctanos para
que podamos ponerte en contácto con ellos.
1. Date cuenta de que si estás interesado en desarrollo venguardista de
alta tecnología, el FSFE summit será parte de la QtCon[6]. Este
evento reúne a desarrolladores de varias comunidades de Software
Libre que trabajan duramente rediseñando interfaces de interacción
con humanos. como miembro de la prensa, también tendrás acceso
gratuito a toda la QtCon. ↩[7]
Free Software Foundation Europe <https://fsfe.org>
FSFE News <https://fsfe.org/news/news.en.rss>
Upcoming FSFE Events <https://fsfe.org/events/events.en.rss>
Fellowship Blog Aggregation <https://planet.fsfe.org/en/rss20.xml>
Free Software Discussions <https://fsfe.org/contact/community.en.html>
1. https://fsfe.org/#fn1
2. https://fsfe.org/activities/ms-vs-eu/ms-vs-eu.es.html
3. https://fsfe.org/campaigns/swpat/swpat.es.html
4. https://fsfe.org/activities/ftf/activities.es.html
5. https://fsfe.org/community/events/2016/summit/frontpage.en.html
6. https://qtcon.org/
7. https://fsfe.org/#fnref1
== About the Free Software Foundation Europe ==
The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) is a non-profit
non-governmental organisation active in many European countries and
involved in many global activities. Access to software determines
participation in a digital society. To secure equal participation in
the information age, as well as freedom of competition, the Free
Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) pursues and is dedicated to the
furthering of Free Software, defined by the freedoms to use, study,
modify and copy. Founded in 2001, creating awareness for these issues,
securing Free Software politically and legally, and giving people
Freedom by supporting development of Free Software are central issues
of the FSFE.