
Are you interested in earning passive income while keeping your day job? Working completely on the internet without needing any website to set up shop? Then read on.

We are a Human Resource Firm and specialize in recruiting international staff for companies. Right now, we have vacancies for the position of Accountant General.


Access to the internet

You must own a degree or are in college

You are over 21 years old.

No previous work experience is needed.

Good communication skills in English Language


Process payments in a timely fashion

Communicate directly with our account managers when payments are recieved.

Keep records of outgoing and incoming payments

If interested, submit your CV, identification document and proof of address to {email}. Or call Brian on +447031956564. Valid id icludes scan of your passport (photo page), drivers license or any other documentation showing your photo and name. Proof of address includes any utility bill showing your address. After verification, only valid applicants will be contacted.

Brian Anderson



Human resource Manager

Acorn Investments LLC