Hi There,

I wanted to follow up. You might be familiar with GetPromotd, our service that helps people increase attendance to their events, from the emails I've sent. Our clients typically 3 main pains: they're concerned that they won't receive the attendance they'd like, are confused about how to use marketing to increase attendance, or they're frustrated about the time that effective marketing takes.

If this is the case perhaps an explanation of our services would help. At the end, if you're interested in learning more, I'd love to talk.

Event Listings
Tons of calendars, from national websites like Zvents.com to your local radio station, allow people to submit the details of their events. From flyer images, to descriptions, and even information on how to buy tickets, event listings allow you to increase web traffic, get noticed by major search engines like Google, and attract an audience of people who are already looking for events like yours. GetPromotd can automatically submit the details of your events to all the directories in your area which allows you to be present on the most effective calendars for your event with no effort on your part.

Premium Event Listings
Once your event is listed on these websites, and sending traffic, the next step would obviously be to do more better. This is exactly where Premium event listings come in: they allow you to add relevant content, like videos, while also placing your event in the more prominent areas on the website like the top of the search results, interest categories, or the homepage. Premium Event Listings are great for clients who are already seeing results from free listings.

Press Release Distribution
Getting press is incredibly difficult: first you have to find all of the relevant outlets and contacts, then you have to craft a message, and finally drudge through following up to make the piece happen. The GertPromotd Media Network makes it easy to get the attention of the press. We'll approve your press release for relevant content, distribute it to our network via email, rss feed, and press wire websites, and show you the exact results of your PR campaign with analytics reports.

Search Ad Management
Search engines like Google are a hub for purchasing activity. Still, becoming a winning marketer on Google requires experimentation time and money. GetPromotd saves you the expense, and the pain of creating an effective campaign, by managing all of your search ad spend. We'll start from our base of best practices for similar clients, leverage this into discovering the keywords and ads that people use to register for your event, and decrease the cost while increasing the results of your advertising.

Social Media Ad Management
Social Media is revolutionizing the marketing and advertising space. Whether it's major social networks, like Facebook, or one of the networks you've never heard of people in a variety of industries are using social media to create success. And when it comes to social media success, the fastest path to building an audience and substantial traffic is with advertising. GetPromotd will manage social media ad spend, to either gain new registrations or simply grow your social media following, so that you can focus on holding a great event and let us take the hassle of getting people to take action online.

Display Ad Management
It doesn't take long to realize that visualizations increase the effectiveness of advertisements. Just look through your TV, the websites you visit, and any other advertising media: visualizations cause people to take action. GetPromotd will manage your display advertisements, by placing image ads on major networks like Google for example, to drive traffic from relevant websites to hear about your event. Display ads typically work great for anyone who's holding consumer events, has a following that is active online, or as a tool to target advertisements to people who have visited your website but didn't yet take action (retargeting).

Landing Page Creation
People may click your advertisements, the link in your event listings, or event find out more about your events via social media. When this happens do you know where to send the visitors? Do you know what kind of webpage causes them to take action? GetPromotd can solve this pain by creating custom landing pages for your events. First, we'll design a page behind your goals of capturing sales leads, selling tickets, or more. After that we'll optimize these landing pages by testing landing page variations (a/b testing). The ultimate goal? To increase the number of attendees to your events while decreasing the cost of your advertising.

Lead Nurturing
After you capture a new email address, sales lead, or contact information from another prospective attendee what should you do? If a lead falls for your events through marketing, and you don't effectively persuade them to take action, did it really happen? GetPromotd answers this question with our lead nurturing. We'll setup a system to persuade your leads, over time, to register for your event with notifications. Maybe discounts work great for your market. Maybe people simply need to be reminded, a few times, that you exist. Or, maybe people need proof that your event is what they want. Regardless of what works best one thing is for sure: if you're not using lead nurturing you're simply wasting money.

Everything I mentioned above is merely a brief explanation into what we do but doesn't describe, specifically, what we'll do for you. If this is intriguing, and you'd like to learn more, email me back or visit www.getpromotd.com.


Chris Allen

| info@getpromotd.com | www.getpromotd.com | twitter.com/getpromotd | facebook.com/getpromotd |

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