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Air-Meter Catalogs


Air_Monitor Download



The Air-Meter systems offers a concrete and immediate response to the demands of cost control and reduction of energy consumption arising from the use of compressed air in industrial processes.
Simple verification of the power used by the compressor shows the "Total" cost of the compressed air used by the plant, but you can not know the compressed air cost required by a specific process, a machine or a plant, or arising from any leakages.
Air-Meter has been developed to perform detailed consumption analysis of individual loads, from small circuits to the large distribution pipelines : there is always a suitable Air-Meter.
Thanks to the bundled Air-Monitor software, it is possible to obtain, in relation to the target line, a real-time monitoring of : flow , pressure, electricity committed to the compressor and energy costs, expressed in the form of: graphs, meters total and partial , time averages, management of alarm limits TTL outputs activation for flow and pressure etc..
Monitored data can be saved on PC hard disk , or, for of long-term acquisition, you can disconnect the PC and save data on SD card (DL versions).
Air-Monitor sw. is available for download, all functions are totally evaluable whitout any Air-Meter hw. installation, thanks to a virtual compressed air line, generated by sw.

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