What is Love?
                                      (The truth about Shepherd Sunday).

                                                                              "Tell them I love them"
                                                                            Signature: ____ (Father S ky)

        Dear friend! Let's get acquainted. I - A man who does not care about the fate of all people. Huge potential lies our Creator in all of us. We need each other, and we can only love the way that Heavenly Father wants, agreeing with him all the time.
        My vocation: the restoration of her husband's relationship with his wife, the government and the people, the leader of the team.
        Seven years ago, PA "In the unity of power" has gone beyond the threshold of the church to serve the people. We did everything that the Lord Jesus showed. All studied, researched, investigated what was happening in the church, social, religion, politics, education, environment, and found that the cause of all the crises of human civilization:
                 ;                A. The man he wants to manage their lives;
                                Two. Heavenly Father does not give His glory to no one.
       The human soul does not want to surrender to the One God to have life more abundantly.
        Many thousands of years, the script continues on the earth the tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, but a consequence of this activity - a broken trough.
        We investigated the family: all controls are usually the eldest female. The spine does not trust the head because the head does not see or hear the voice of God, and not gone after him. Eve's syndrom e went to all areas. Intelligent and capable children of their own people in power, but people change them like gloves. The lust of man, yea, no one can fully cater to his people, because they do not know what they want. Elections for the election, but one answer: 1 Corinthians 11:3, "I also want you to know that the head of every man - the Christ, the head of the woman - a husband, and the head of Christ - God." Ecclesiastes 8: 6.7 "Because to every purpose there is time and judgment, but a man of great evil of what he does not know what will be, and how it will be - who can tell him?". Coming to God, people sometimes do not cease to perform his will, moreover, want to be executed will shepherd the local church. Some of the pastor of the church as God's Embassy would like to manage pastor Sunday, but he is very well hear the voice of God, and come after him.
      Proudly raised his head, some individuals are gone, the excuse that receive d the blessing. Not having the power supplied over them, they are not opposed to man and God. Where are they now serve, executed the will of man, not God. The time is approaching, and your heavenly Father will eradicate every tree, which he did not have planted himself. In the seven years of prayer and fasting is a confirmation of the revelation Shepherd Sunday - the son of the living God. Three years for a policy at all levels of government (in all areas) have a double anointing - the kings and priests to our God. The goal, near which all come together - the life, and it is in His Son Jesus Christ, who gives all to his Father. Serving God without Jesus - a religion that brings humanity to the various conflicts and crises. Favorite! Do not lose your birthright, then you can not detract from the Heavenly Father to change His mind.
The love of God wants to manifest on earth through every human being. That time had fully come to shed light on the events surrounding the Em bassy of God pastor Sunday.
      Ten years since I'm in this church, tried to delve into all that God has spoken through the pastor Sunday. To learn the destiny of man is only one way - through the heavens. Each book is pastor Sunday, his sermon, that God's mercy to all who wish to get the creature comforts.
      While a person does not receive revelation from God about his pastor, he has no use to go to church.
    By itself, the person will not achieve anything in life, there is a system of spiritual body of God on earth, and He pours out a river of living water to whom he trusts. And he trusts only his son - a man that lives the spirit of Jesus Christ. All the blessings of God do not bring sorrow, but for me, Pastor Sunday, the most important blessing:
A. Pastor taught me to be friends with God. If there is something I need to know, I take the post and pray, step by s tep walk through the voice of God and His Word has been 7 years.
Two. open the spiritual eyes - a true freedom where there has already received a vision. Many times, pastor Sunday, he taught us all to dig, explore every detail. Through him, God said to do, and how to make God Himself personally has everyone in it. We just do not have to oppose him.
Three. revelation of the bosses - the king and priest to our God Jesus Christ. Whatever the husband or the leader, I see only good things in it and it's going to perform, and then get a new blessing.
4. family, where the architect and builder - God is a great creative force in society as a whole. But if a small collection of two does not know where to go, not only do they eat them with each other, because everyone has an opinion about everything, they still destroy, any ship potoplyayut on their work. If not for the grace of God, human life would have ended long ago. While our husbands and chiefs only dream to ge t married or be elected, the situation is not so dangerous, but they are elected or agreed to marry, as soon becoming a target for those who elected them (the people or the wife).
Five. state of mind. The decision is a judgment for the person and everything connected with it. All that has conceived a man will do. If you would consult with God, there is an advantage of his stay on earth. If not him, all that will be on its way to collapse.
6. attitude to money. Previously, 10 years ago, I was thinking: "If I have a certain amount of money, I wrote a list of what I need to buy." Those who are prevented to achieve this goal have been my enemies, and to God I'm so requests, that he protected me from the aggression of other people in my party. The enemy was always the man who was not thinking because I did not like I want. When I came to the Embassy of God, gradually left my blindness. Shepherd Sunday worked tirelessly in this direction, since he saw our need and the whole country (ignorance). I realized who I am as a person, what is the meaning of life, who is a happy man, the value of family and its impact on all spheres of society. Money for me to have lost that value that I invented for them. Only God Himself has placed me in this church. He alone was able to convince the ordinary person, pastor Sunday, to serve an ungrateful people. The ignorance of man about himself closes all the way to his happiness. While making every effort, shedding tears in prayer and fasting, and in everything else, the son of God crucified with Christ, the hope - may the Lord in his mercy, through him, to whom it touches and leaves the blind people's lives. . Many thousands of years, humanity runs like a squirrel in a cage, but God found a man who has become for all men to Him. For the past 18 years Pastor Sunday shows loyalty to God in the service of others, and while there are those who could blame him. Who was with him before God for all people to judge him! Is that for a loved one, for my family, for their business, their plans. But God has His plans will not compare with ours, with our time when we will like to do that. Or are we doing all that he says or finds other. .
       The main stumbling block away from my life - a love of money. What is money for me now? Money - power, purpose of which work on the land, to work to prepare the ground for the perception and the appearance of divine power. Money does not belong to man. The money must come into the hands of those who have a clear, broad, multifaceted and full vision. . When the pastor began to learn about finances, it's a lot of "businessmen" to entice people. Personally, I was approached and asked permission to join my group, in their various projects. My response was as follows, that the pastor said Sunday it. He teaches us all to such a state to explore, to make it clear where we are. I asked of them plan to follow, but mos t of them did not come in my way and did not bring his plan. So, my team survived on frivolous activities. . Every society has people in their understanding in their eyes justified. Being blind, spiritually, they are trying to lead others and drag them into a deep pit, which happened at the Embassy. The whole "spiritual kindergarten" was caught, because they do not align with God every step as he told the pastor Sunday. As the enemies of themselves, they laid the blame on the pastor Sunday, as he taught them about money. But they are not taken into account and did not hear what he warned them: a revelation of God, the man - who invited them into the business of themselves - what role they play in this unity. But he heard only about profits, they ran, waving his hand to God, that He, too, ran after them, as they promised to pay him a tithe. . To understand and judge the Shepherd Sunday, we must come to God, to receive at least the revelation of the money that belong to God. A nd he who wants to and will. Need to read all his books, there is the fullness. Need to spend hundreds of posts to hear the voice of God for every day, give your life to Him, and then come and accuse the pastor Sunday, if what he is accused. .
      For all the prosecutors tell you a secret: if the spirituality behind the amount of the estate, then any increase in the money and property would destroy the very life of man and his relatives. Ahead of God will not succeed. All material goods are attached only to the Kingdom of God in man. All the people who wanted to steal God's money, punish ourselves, but God's grace has kept them alive. They went on their way without God, and find yourself a headache. People have long dreamed about big money, but got a very serious lesson:. .
        1.Bez God does not work. .
        2.Ego silver and gold.
&# 160;       3.dengi have wings, they may go the way came. And if people will put up security, it can be a big danger. .
      A lot of trouble bringing the money invested in funds which destroy life (drugs, weapons, poisons, poor quality food, poorly built homes, businesses with no treatment facilities, etc.). Such causes of human behavior give rise to a nuclear explosion effects: we are moving away from loved ones forever, and sometimes the owners themselves are killed. The tragedy takes place, and the methods can be varied. All that mankind has made in the peace of God and all that is created by nature, has a price. For all needed time and money. Man is born to eternal life and the approval of his goal in life should be measured not by the quantity of money, and the quality of his work, then she will put the protection of life without a lock, and weapons. Each person must find his higher consciousness so lution of the problem, as the most worthy use of their money. . Money had no value when they are not in circulation. Wealth - a force of nature. This force should be a means of communication, the power of movement. Wealth is something that makes organizing and producing. Wealth - is a handy tool because it is the only way to force all around to rotate with greater fullness and freedom. And this force should be in the hands of those who know how to use it well. In the hands of those who got rid of all personal desires and affection of any one who has a vision broad enough to understand the needs of the land, and knowledge sufficiently complete to allow the issue of land use that power. If these people can acquire a higher spiritual knowledge, then they, through the power of wealth, gradually create something that will help to show the land and the power of Divine Grace.
1 Chronicles 29:11-17.
    That is why, from a pure heart, dobroohotno and with great joy, we are building (VKDTS) World Cultural - Spiritual Center. All the nations of the earth have a meeting place. We love each other and want to see the beauty of the soul that wants to live in joy and happiness.
    There will be no more crises on the ground, because the world has become the most important purchase people. After that, the notion of a war, any conflict would take forever with our planet. Luke 2:14. "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men!"

  A. The project is located at Kiev st. Izhevsk 2
           MKDTS - International Cultural - Spiritual Center
Two. God gives everyone a chance to make history! Usually becomes a hero, only the first! And what then recognizes genius, often starts a man who dared to think not so, and took all the responsibility to create something non-existent until now.
                 In the mid-1st century AD, the Apostle Andrew dared to prophesy
           the base of the big city. The prophecy came true and was subsequently
           built a wonderful city, which is named after its founder, Chia -
           Kiev. "You see those mo untains? On these hills shine the grace of God,
           will be a great city, and God will raise up many churches. "
                 In 988, Kyiv - the "mother of Russian cities" has become a place where the Prince
           Vladimir Svyatoslavovych baptized Kievan Rus' in the name of the Father and the Son and
           The Holy Spirit. The new faith - Christianity gradually spread
           vast expanses of the princely estates of the future of Ukraine, Belarus and
                ;  Today we, Ukrainians, ventured to declare that, along with
           gold-domed historic monuments from the times of Kievan Rus
           the capital of Ukraine - the ancient city of Kiev, must appear a new Ukrainian
           cultural - spiritual center, which will become a modern symbol of
           spiritual rebirth of Ukraine.
Three. a project of this level suggests the possibility of:
a. cultural events and concerts of the level of "Eurovision"
b. International sports competitions of boxing, athletics to hockey
a. Ukraine's national holidays, such as the inauguration of President of Ukraine
, the international congresses, meetings, summits and business elites
on worship services and spiritual activities
     The complex consists of:
A. 35 meters of 4-storey main building of cultural and spiritual center with a capacity of 15,000 people, the main multi-purpose room for 10,000 seats, 35 small rooms of 50 to 500 seats, 23 administrative unit
Two. 75 meter 24-storey housing guest with 250 rooms
Three. underground and surface parking for 525 cars
                Techno-economic indicators:
- Built-up area 12,240 square meters
- Total area of ??70,715 square meters
- Effective area of ??44,590 square meters
- Building capacity - 497,773 m3
- Underground parking for 500 m / m - 14,525 sq m
- The area of ??underground parking for 20 m / m 1130 sq m
Guest housing UKDTS:
  - Class - 3 ***, number of floors - 25 floors
  - Built-up area - 910 m2
&# 160; - Total area - 25,120 m2, including
  - Physical - health center for 20 species - 1330 m2
  - Restaurant with 150 seats with a bar for 6 people 878 m2
  - Technical facilities 1214 m2
  - Guest rooms (250 rooms), 11 088 m2
  - 15 rooms of "Lux" 20 rooms "Junior"
  - 55 rooms of two-place, 160 single rooms
  - Underground parking for 200m/mest 3800 m2
  - Usable area - 16,030 m2
4. the estimated cost of the project 425 million grams, or 50 million dollars:
                CDC - (cultural and religious center)
Pit 2500 thousand oz.
Piles 15,000 thousand grams.
Grillage 8000 thousand oz.
Cast-frame 28 000 thousand grams.
Laying of 8200 thousand oz.
Roofing 13,500 thousand grams.
Dome of the 20,000 th gr.
The floors (1st floor) 5800 thousand oz.
Floors (2nd floor) 3200 thousand oz.
Floors (3rd Floor) 2400 thousand oz.
Floors (4th Floor) 6600 thousand oz.
Interior finish a floor. 15,600 thousand grams.
Interior finish 2nd floor. 10,800 thousand grams.
Interior finish 3rd floor. 9300 thousand oz.
Interior finish 4th floor. 6600 thousand oz.
m / mp and al. Windows, doors and stained glass windows 8200 thousand oz.
exterior finish (composite) 10 500 thousand grams.
Lifts 3950 thousand oz.
Thousands of different jobs in 2500 gr.

water, sewage, heating 11,200 thousand grams.
ventilation is 4200 thousand oz.
low voltage networks 1100 thousand oz.
Dispatch 150 thousand grams.
electrical works 8500 thousand oz.
individual heating unit 2800 thousand oz.
pumping station in 2600 thousand oz.
Fire Alarm 5800 thousand oz.

electricity, TP 15 000 thousand grams.
Well the device 3500 thousand oz.
4500 sewer thousand grams.
heating 10000 thousand grams.
rainwater drainage thousand grams in 2300.
Landscaping 8200 thousand oz.

Guest housing - 170 million UAH. or $ 20 million

You can choose to sponsor part or all of any of the types of work.

                       My vision in the spirit of (post January 27,28,29).
      By the end of January 28 I saw in the spirit of the tree (Luke 13: 18,19), which represents the Embassy of God upon the face of the earth. This is the only church of the Embassy of God, who immediately claimed responsibility for the salvation of all men. The tree looked like this: a very powerful trunk, root system was reliable, the height of the tree house 50 floors. The branches that were in the middle of the tree, stretched up, but the trunk was weak. The lower branches all around the tree was strong, a lot of fruit, but not those that were in the main tree. These branches bent to the bottom, to the earth, and let all the small roots, to drink the extra moisture. The lower branches around the tree get the strength to live from the mai n root of the tree, while they themselves thought that they feed on small roots, which appeared on their own vision to this land.
     The Lord says, "I brought a lot of sons, but some of them have rebelled against me, as your heavenly Father wants all was well." He offers to return to the lot Shepherd Sunday, where he put them to the Embassy of God (what God has perfect balance, a man not separate.)
     Term of the month of February 2012 - to return to all, without exception. Not forever, My spirit shall strive with man. The plan of salvation of the world people will not stop.
      Those who do not have time to enter into the Ark of the unity of the Embassy of God, which is located in midst of the earth, shall be cut off from the tree of life. The tree itself will receive a new stage in its development and strength of the living God. But today, God has to repent for Daniel, 9 head, atone for his sin of Daniel chapter 4. Book by John Beaver "Bait of Satan" sober everyone up to the base. Lord guarantees: Hosea 14:5 "Heal the falling away of ..." God gathers all the celebration of 18 years of birth of his church. Welcome to the Embassy on the global harvest.
        Thank God for my spiritual father - the pastor Sunday. Where would I and my posterity, if he had compromised with the truth.
       I forgive all prosecutors pastor because God's mercy rejoiceth against judgment. I will ask God that He would, and they revealed the truth about Shepherd Sunday - the blessed vessel, passing the love of our Heavenly Father to man hands. All love and appreciate, especially my home group for their pure heart and devotion to God in the service of others. And He will bless them to a thousand generations.

We are looking forward to hearing from you. We ate it. Address edinstvo13@ukr.net
Tel.             093 559 5034      ,             096 607 7183      ,             093 559 5033      , 063 949 2161
Ukraine, Kiev, PA "In unity - force", the head of Mitioglo Galina.
2/14/12, the