Dear Matija,

Thank you again for the mentoring system, mailing list and encouraging me.
I'll post it to the LN list.

Best Regards,

Haksung Jang / 장학성
Senior Research Engineer
Open Source Compliance Project, Software Center, CTO, LG Electronics.
p: +82 10 3630 5799
On 2016-06-02 오전 1:10, Matija Šuklje wrote:
Dear Haksung,

Thank you for your nice words and for reaching out. It’s a pleasure to see the 
mentoring system grow and becoming more and more useful :)

What you sent us was indeed not yet discussed on the LN mailing list and it is 
a good question.

As such, we would warmly encourage you to post your question to the LN list 

In case you don’t wish to ask it yourself and would rather remain anonymous – 
for whatever reason – I could ask for you. If that is what you desire, I would 
simply disclose that it is a question that we received to the mentor’s list, 
but be careful not to reveal your name or LG’s.

In case you would rather hear FSFE’s position on this topic, I have to tell 
you that the LN mentors are not here to represent FSFE’s thoughts and 

Let me know of your decision and if we can help in any other way.
