DIY Follow up: Using Free Software one-oh-one - mini session THIS THURSDAY at madlab

Hi all,

If you are new to free software and want to learn more, there is a great opportunity, at the FSFE meeting, this Thursday to meet people and have a look at what software they use.

If you are looking for a "way in" to switching to freedom, it would be an easy-peasy place to start : )

At the meeting, we sit round and discuss plans and problems, following an agenda formulates over the month before (not always very closely!). There is usualy cake, always tea and coffee, and this week there is an interesting talk too!

It's a good time to get to know people and we also tend to go out for a bit afterwards too.

The meeting is at MadLab which is in the Northern Quarter of Manchester, and an all round awesome place.

Don't hesitate to email!

Hope to see you there


Anna M (the one with the huge day glow skirt)