
I've send the email below the the Manchester ORG list, you'll see it's got the manchesteropenrightsgroup blog on there and also a link to our meet up.

It would be great to put those about a bit in the publicity as well, we use those sites as a way of trying to build our group up and make upcoming promo a bit easier

If people are up for helping at the event can you let me or Tom know on email, as Anna has asked us to take a lead on doing that kind of thing.  That would be great!

Looking forward to it!

nice one

Hi there,

See the email below about promotion for the second Cryptoparty and sister events.

There's also so info up here - 

and a meet up event here - http://www.meetup.com/ORG-Manchester/events/161381262/

Last time there was a great response from this list to promote the event which really helped its success. It would be great if you guys could pitch in again.

If you can help out on the day as a facilitator then that would be great please let me or Tom know. Your help will be really appreciated.

nice one

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Event promotion has started
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 23:30:26 +0000
From: Anna Morris <gingerling@inventati.org>
To: manchester@lists.fsfe.org <manchester@lists.fsfe.org>


Event promotion has now firmly kicked off with promotion of the Free
Your Android workshop http://freeasinfreedom.org.uk/?p=71 and
Cryptoparty http://freeasinfreedom.org.uk/?p=82 headlining (also on
http://cryptoparty-mcr.org/ and ORG meetup and main sites and on FSFE

Tickets are now available for all the events

Flyers will be done this week ready to distribute at the weekend

Radio show on 30th

Twitter chatter is growing nicely, but keep plugging each-other's events

Can anyone get us mentioned in any blogs or newspapers/sites at all?

Keep up the good work folks, you are going soooper :)
