Hi, if anyone is interested in collaborating with ORG Sheffield on this we could use the email as a template to send to our own MP's here.


On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 12:51 AM, Richard King <richard@richardskingdom.net> wrote:
Hi folks

At our last meeting a few people said they'd like to collaborate on a
joint letter from ORGShef to our local MPs about mass surveillance. It
turns out there's a Westminster hall debate planned for Thursday on this
subject and ORG is entreating members to ask their MPs to attend.


I think it'd be great if we could send a joint letter for this but we
have to act quickly. We need:

1. A letter!
2. Signatories from each Sheffield constituency

For (1) I've started a draft here:

or via Tor: https://ttbmov2dezfs2fln.onion/p/lNm9M9Ygmk22

Please feel free to hack it apart, re-write it, add your own comments,
correct spelling and grammar, and lend a hand in any way you can to get
it finished. I'd like to send it on TUESDAY if possible.

For (2) please drop me a line by email with:

 - Your real name
 - Your full address (inc. postcode)

You must be a constituent of one of the MPs listed in the letter. You
can find out who your MP is here: https://www.writetothem.com/

MPs are obliged to ignore non-constituents so these really are essential
details. It's also why we need at least one signatory from each
constituency, so please sign if you agree with the letter, even if you
don't want to take part in the drafting process!

If you don't want to sign this letter please feel free to crib from it
to send your own instead - but please DON'T send a verbatim copy. MPs
will give less weight to a large pile of identical letters than to a
small pile of individual ones. It's worth the effort to personalise
yours a bit (and not doing so could detract from everyone's efforts).

I also think we should publish our letter on our blog - minus our
personal details of course!

You can find lots of information about writing to MPs on our blog here:


Please post questions, comments and discussion to the list, as with
enough eyes all bugs are shallow :)

Thanks and regards

Twitter: @graphiclunarkid

ORG-Sheffield mailing list

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