* MalcolmTyrrell SoftwarePatentsThu, 09 Mar 2006 08:00:01 -0000 * There is an opportunity now (January 2005) to ask for a restart of the process. Out letter asking for this is being drafted: SoftwarePatents/JuriLetter1
* Before the parliament see this directive again we should contact the MEP's. New MEP's must be informed of the changes that have happened in the directive since it last reached the parliament, and the dangers of the new directive. Other MEP's should be reminded that the parliament's previously agreed formulation has been drastically changed. + + * QuestionaireReponse
== Parties == URL: http://www.ifso.ie/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi/SoftwarePatents?action=diff * MalcolmTyrrell QuestionaireReponseThu, 09 Mar 2006 08:00:01 -0000 URL: http://www.ifso.ie/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi/QuestionaireReponse?action=diff