Maybe some of you could try this.
First, get the following files from a Gnoppix Mirror * gengrubmenu2_0.1-3_all.deb * os-prober_0.1-1_all.deb * morphixinstaller_0.2-13.1_i386.deb
Next, install them (It's ok to 'force' because the objection is to 'pivot_root', but pivot_root is already in /sbin. Nice!
So, boot the CD, make these downloads available on the filesystem, go to that place and
$ sudo dpkg -i --force-all `ls *.deb` $ sudo chmod g+x `which morphixinstaller` # I suspect this is an unnecessary step # because we sudo it anyway in the launcher
Nearly there, I put a launcher on the Desktop with the Synaptic pixmap. 'Cat'ting the result of the "Hard Disk Installation" icon shows what's below.
Doubleclicking on it will install to hard disk.
I'm going to test this procedure over the weekend on various PCs. Maybe others could too. Either way, I expect to be happy with it. All I do then is automate this with a wee script and append the boot scripts to run it.
Hope that's clear, hope that's cool. Any testing welcome. Mel
[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Version=1.0 Type=Application Exec=sudo /usr/sbin/morphixinstaller TryExec= Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/synaptic.png X-GNOME-DocPath= Terminal=false Name[en_IE]=Hard Disk Installation GenericName[en_IE]=Install from LiveCD to Hard Disk Comment[en_IE]=Morphix Installer 0.2-13.1 i386 *************************** ADVERTISEMENT ****************************** Get BT Broadband from only EUR15 per month! Enjoy always-on internet for less! Check it out at