The public consultation for drafting GPLv3 is one of my main projects right now. It's been running for two months and one problem myself and others working on this have is that we can't gauge how the process is going, so I'm seeking comments on the process.
Comments on the draft licence text should go to, but I'm looking for comments on the consultation process rather than the license text:
Are you happy with the current draft?
a) don't know b) yes c) no
Is your opinion based on:
a) reading it b) statements of someone you trust c) opinion of FSF's work d) other: please specify
If you have not submitted any comments, what are the reasons for not doing so?
If there was a half-day event in Dublin for discussing GPLv3, would you go?
What questions should I add/change in this email before I send a similar one to ilug and fsfe-uk tomorrow morning?
Thanks in advance for any replies on or off list.