* MalcolmTyrrell IfsoMeetingsFri, 27 May 2005 07:00:01 -0000 Made obsolete
- = IFSO Meetings = + = Obsolete Page =
+ This page is now obsolete. For the details of IFSO's meetings, see: + * Description of Meetings: [http://www.ifso.ie/get-involved.html#meetings] + * Minutes of Meetings - [http://www.ifso.ie/documents/#documents] + + == IFSO Meetings ==
IFSO organises regular meetings on the third Tuesday of each month, at 20:00 in Dublin. The venue for the past few meetings has been Mahaffey's pub on Pearse Street in the city centre. We also hope to organise irregular meetings outside of Dublin during the year. These will be announced on the fsfe-ie mailing list.
@@ -9, +14 @@
- The next meeting will take place on 17.5.2005. + The next meeting will take place on 21.6.2005.
---- URL: http://www.ifso.ie/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi/IfsoMeetings?action=diff * MalcolmTyrrell FrontPageFri, 27 May 2005 07:00:01 -0000 Removed meetings.
Some pages added recently:
- * IfsoMeetings * IfsoProjects * IfsoBookmarks URL: http://www.ifso.ie/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi/FrontPage?action=diff * GlennStrong InterWikiFri, 27 May 2005 07:00:01 -0000 - #acl +Known:write -All:Write Default + #acl +Known:write -All:write Default ##language:en InterWiki links are a quick way to refer to information in other wikis, without having to remember cryptic URLs. To write an InterWiki link, just use the InterWiki moniker of the foreign wiki, URL: http://www.ifso.ie/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi/InterWiki?action=diff * CiaranOriordan IfsoWebPagesFri, 27 May 2005 07:00:01 -0000 I've set a new colour for visited links
Question: I think, as a styling feature, it would be better to have "visited" links coloured differently (even slightly) than "unvisited" links. EibhearOhAnluain * I agree; it's a basic bit of browser usability. Added to the To-Do list + * ok, I've done this. Links are "blue" as before, visited links are "navy". This doesn't apply to the menu box on the right hand side. Any objections? --CiaranOriordan
Question: Should we use proper e-mail addresses or use "contact at ifso dot ie"? I'm not a huge fan of using images for this purpose. * It's an anti-spam measure. It may not actually be needed. URL: http://www.ifso.ie/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi/IfsoWebPages?action=diff * CiaranOriordan 2005-03-04-SwpatLetterFri, 27 May 2005 07:00:01 -0000 1 page "Swpat", 1 "Swpats". Standardising on the former since ffii use it
+ ## page was renamed from 2005-03-04-SwpatsLetter = Action = Sent a letter to Commissioner McCreevy asking him to honour JURI's request for a restart of the first reading of the software patents directive. Text of the letter is here: http://ifso.ie/documents/correspondence/20050216swpats-mcCreevy.html URL: http://www.ifso.ie/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi/2005-03-04-SwpatLetter?action=diff * CiaranOriordan 2005-03-26-SwpatLetterFri, 27 May 2005 07:00:01 -0000 posted text of email, noted current lack of responses URL: http://www.ifso.ie/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi/2005-03-26-SwpatLetter?action=diff * CiaranOriordan ActionAftermathFri, 27 May 2005 07:00:01 -0000 fix wikilink for renamed page
The template ActionAftermathTemplate should be used for new entries.
- * ["2005-03-26-SwpatLetter"] : contacted 2 Irish SME associations to open dialogue + * ["2005-03-26-SwpatEmail"] : contacted 2 Irish SME associations to open dialogue * ["2005-03-15-SwpatLetter"] : Kde.ie + IFSO + ILUG letter to Ireland's MEPs * ["2005-03-04-SwpatLetter"] : IFSO asks Commissioner Mc``Creevy to honour JURI's request for a restart URL: http://www.ifso.ie/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi/ActionAftermath?action=diff * CiaranOriordan 2005-03-26-SwpatEmailFri, 27 May 2005 07:00:01 -0000 replaced email text with link. Text was pushing aftermath info far down
## page was renamed from 2005-03-26-SwpatLetter = Action = + + Email sent to Irish Small and Medium Enterprises association (ISME) and Small Firms Association (SFA). + + Test of email is at the end of this mail: http://mail.fsfeurope.org/pipermail/fsfe-ie/2005-May/001974.html
+ In brief: Ireland's national representative is supporting software patents based on perceived industry support, as SME unions, would you care to tell our reps that this is unwanted. - [0] http://www.ifso.ie/ - [1] http://www.fsfeurope.org/ - [2] http://www.ueapme.org/docs/press_releases/pr_2005/050427_CIIcampaign.pdf - - - Hello, - - My name is Ciarán O'Riordan, I'm a representative of Irish Free Software - Organisation[0], and of Free Software Foundation Europe[1]. - - I am working on Directive 2002/0047 "on the patentability of ... URL: http://www.ifso.ie/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi/2005-03-26-SwpatEmail?action=diff