The solution for the RMS talk is fine, I think. As a club, IFSO does not have a "seperate legal personality". However, my understanding is that IFSO *can* have assets and/or liabilities and that these belong to the members. I can check this out for sure, if you like, would need to know some facts e.g. is IFSO registered anywhere/has the constitution been lodged, etc.
Teresa ---------
Glenn Strong wrote:
The legal pedantry of the issue: it is my understanding that IFSO cannot own anything (we would have to incorporate a company or the like in order to do that), and assets are held by trustees.
Such would be my understanding. But there is no legal entity "IFSO" that could enter into such an arrangement (clubs and societies, which is what we are, don't have enough legal standing). If there was, then if IFSO went away the usual rules for disposing of the assets of a company would apply to copyrights held by IFSO, I imagine.