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- IFSO organises regular meetings on the third Tuesday of each month, at 20:00 in Dublin. The venue for the past few meetings has been Mahaffey's pub on Pearse Street in the city centre. We also hope to organise irregular meetings outside of Dublin during the year. These will be announced on the fsfe-ie mailing list. ... URL: http://www.ifso.ie/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi/IfsoMeetings?action=diff * host-148-244-150-58.block.alestra.net.mx UserPreferencesTue, 31 May 2005 07:00:01 -0000 - ##language:en - [[UserPreferences]] + !'''[http://generic-viagra.land.ru/ | Generic viagra online] !''' + !'''[http://fha_mortgage.chat.ru/ | fha mortgage] !''' + !'''[http://ticket1_broker.chat.ru/ | Ticket Broker] !''' + !'''[http://buy_phent.chat.ru/ | buy adipex phentermine] !''' + !'''[http://cheap--viagra.fromru.com/ | Cheap viagra] !'''!
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- The European Commission currently have an open consultation on the review of EU legislation on copyright and related rights. It was agreed at the IFSO meeting on Tuesday, that IFSO will respond to the consultation on two specific issues which fall within the IFSO remit. The deadline is 31.10.2004. + !'''[http://united-airline.boom.ru/ | United Airlines tickets flights] !'''! + !'''[http://computer-desk.fromru.com/ | Computer desk] !'''!
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