Concerning the amendments to telecommunications legislation, I wrote to Eoin Ryan to express my worries and show him the opinions of Glyn Moody, from

I'm not sure in how far this is relevant as the above article clams the vote was yesterday, I have asked Eoin Ryan's permission to show you his response. I was hoping that someone more knowledgeable that I, from the fsfe-ie would be kind enough to respond to Mr. Ryan's reply.

Dear Mr Kersten,

Thank you for your email regarding your concerns with the Telecoms
package. This report is currently being debated and voted upon at the
Committee stage. I am not a member of the Internal Market and Consumer
Protection Committee (IMCO) or the Industry, Research and Energy
Committee (ITRE), which are the Committees currently dealing with the
Report, however I forwarded your email to the Group Advisor who will
take your concerns under consideration for my colleagues who are on
these committees. Once the report is voted upon and finalised at the
Committee level it will be debated and voted upon in the Plenary
session. This will most likely be during one of the autumn sessions.

I have received a considerable number of emails regarding the amendments
to the Telecoms Package, file sharing and Intellectual Property Rights
and interest in this Package is very high. If there is an umbrella
organisation or spokesperson who you are aware of that I could meet to
discuss this issue with I would be delighted to do so. As I would like
to be fully briefed before the Plenary debate and vote I also welcome an
information on this issue that you would like me to be aware of. I look
forward to hearing from you.

If you have any further comments or questions please do not hesitate to
contact me.

Kind regards,

Eoin Ryan MEP

Committee on Economic & Monetary Affairs

Committee on Development

European Parliament, - Tel (+32) 02 284 5612, Fax (+32) 02 284 9612

43 Molesworth St., Dublin 2 - Tel (+353)1 662 3042, Fax (+353) 662344

Tim Kersten