1 April 2005 Campaign for Creativity meets with Parliament Rapporteur Michel Rocard MEP Snap shot of the results to date from our Parliamentary poll, plus a status update on the Directive Leading anti-IP campaigner Florian Mueller resigns from NoSoftwarePatents.com. Campaign for Creativity meets with rapporteur Michel Rocard A group of six supporters consisting of small, medium and large companies, patent attorneys and Simon Gentry met Michel Rocard, the MEP drafting the European Parliament's report on the CII directive, in Brussels on Tuesday 29 March. Mr Rocard was keen to hear what we had to say and acknowledged our fundamental point that without patents, companies would have no way of protecting their innovations from exploitation by competitors. It was clear that he has only recently begun to think deeply about the issues and was impressed with what we had to say. Axel Pfeiffer explained that as a patent lawyer, he has never been asked to patent software code (In fact he has hardly ever seen software code), but often helps clients to patent inventions which may require software to be realised. On the whole it was a constructive meeting and we hope to contribute to Mr Rocard's thinking as he drafts his report. We would encourage any other individuals or companies to seize the opportunity of meeting Mr Rocard and making the case in support of continued patentability. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you need any help requesting or organising a meeting with Mr Rocard or any of his colleagues. If travelling to Brussels is not possible, you could also send Mr Rocard a letter, and email or phone his office to make your support known. MEP snapshot poll + status update We are continuing to receive responses to our questionnaire sent to MEPs before the Easter break. Although it is too early to provide a totally accurate assessment of the position of MEPs on the Directive yet, the early indications are that the pro and anti camps are finely balanced. There is everything to play for. As we noted in the article above, the initial stages of the Second Reading by the Parliament have begun. We should have a clearer idea of where the debate is heading when Mr Rocard publishes his report in mid-April and it is now pretty certain that the final vote on the Directive will take place on 6 July. Parliament will require a minimum of 367 votes (irrespective of absences and abstentions) to amend or reject the Directive. If amendments are made the proposal will return to the Council of Ministers for further consideration and possibly negotiations to reach an agreement between the Council of Ministers and the Parliament on a final text. NoSoftwarePatents.com Florian Mueller has resigned from NoSoftwarePatents.com apparently to devote more time to developing a computer game. NSP will be merged with the FFII. Events for the coming weeks: * A booklet explaining the issues around the CII Directive should be ready in the coming weeks. This is a pocket sized information booklet that addresses the issues underlying the Directive, and outlines in detail our concerns and proposals. Please let us know if you would like a copy when it is ready. * Patent Facts is going to be a series of specifically designed one page fact sheets that explain the varying roles of patents in society. These will be sent to all MEPs, and we will also make them available from our website. * The Actions page of our website is also being updated to reflect the state of the debate. If you have any suggestions you would like to make on changes to the site, we would welcome and appreciate your feedback. Thank you again for your valued time, and please keep an eye open for opportunities to leverage support for the Directive and the Campaign for Creativity.