Hi Luke,

I'm fairly new to IFSO and have never been to any of the IFSO meetings yet, but talking about Code For Ireland I've been to their meetups before and know one of the projects' lead. I'm around this week and can meet after work.

Code For Ireland used to run events together with Open Knowledge Ireland. Haven't seen Open Knowledge Ireland running meetup for a while but there are people working with government data in Code For Ireland. In addition there is also DataKind Dublin who sometimes run hackathons for putting public data or charity data to good use. 

There is also a Dublin Open Source Meetup which mainly gives talks on open source software and how to contribute etc. They have a meetup coming up on Feb 21st: https://www.meetup.com/dublin-oss/

Hope this information is helpful.




On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 7:31 PM, Luke Murphy <lukewm@riseup.net> wrote:
Hi there folks,

I'll be in Dublin from Tuesday until Friday this week. Anyone around?

There is a new campaign in the making, being driven by the FSFE, that
seems like it would be easy to push on the Irish side! It's called
'Public Money, Public Code'. Check out the preliminary work:


Anyone interested in joining forces to fire off a few FOI requests? Has
there been any work done in this space?

Also, anyone associated with or know someone from CodeForIreland?



GSM/WA : +353 85 728 2132

On 10.01.2017 10:59, Luke Murphy wrote:
> Hi Ben!
> That's a shame. My plans changed and I'm out of Ireland again but when I
> pass through Dublin, I'll drop you a line here.
> Thanks for the info!
> Best,
> Luke
> On 30.12.2016 23:40, Ben North wrote:
>> Hi Luke,
>> IFSO has not really been active for a while, I'm afraid.  We still have
>> the mailing list, but we haven't physically met for a couple of years.
>> There was a bit of a boost to interest and attendance after a talk
>> Richard Stallman gave in Dublin back in February 2013, but it waned
>> again.  Since then, we have taken part, via written submissions, in a
>> couple of public consultations at national and EU levels.  Having said
>> all that, a few of us do meet up for a pint or two in Dublin quite often
>> anyway, outside the IFSO umbrella, so give us a shout if you're visiting
>> Dublin, and I would think we could dust off the stuffed gnu and meet up!
>> Ben.
>> On 22 December 2016 at 16:27, Luke Murphy <lukewm@riseup.net
>> <mailto:lukewm@riseup.net>> wrote:
>>     Hi folks,
>>     I'll be back in Ireland in January, working part-time for the FSFE and
>>     wanted to see if there is some movement in the Irish chapter these days?
>>     Those monthly meetings are still happening or? I'll be based in Cork but
>>     wouldn't mind moving around.
>>     Luke
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