
Thanks, everyone, for attending our re-invigoration meeting last night.  Good turn-out and good to see some new faces.  That was the first Thursday of the month; as it turns out I can't make the matching day in March (2nd) but we could go for 9th March if that suits people?  Or are other days of the week better?  It would be good to keep our new-found momentum going, so please say (replying just to me if you want to avoid list clutter) which days suit you.


On 30 January 2017 at 22:10, Ben North <ben@redfrontdoor.org> wrote:
Hi Luke,

I'll be in Dublin from Tuesday until Friday this week. Anyone around?

OK, great.  Let's declare an IFSO meeting this coming Thursday (2nd Feb), at 8pm in the Long Stone pub, Townsend Street, Dublin.

All welcome!
